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Women of France: Lorraine
Medal of Honor Commemorating Unusual Human Service Awared to [..] United Jewish Campaign, DAvid A. Brown National Chairman
United Order of True Sisters (UOTS) Pinback
UJA; Twentieth Anniversary V-E Day: Eisenhower, Alexander, and Koenig, 1939-1945 "These were honored in their generation and were the glory of their times."
Pin for the Jewish Palestine Pavilion
Coin Commemorating the 300th Anniversary of the Resettlement of the Jews in Great Britain (1656-1956) with case.
Medal Commemorating The City of New York/Democratic National Convention John Hylan, Mayor 1924
Edwin R.A. Seligman MCMX
United Order of True Sisters (UOTS) Presented at the Centennial Anniversary 1846-1946
Sampler of Rebecca Hendricks
Commemorative plate: Shearith Israel Crosby Street
Commemorative plate: Shearith Israel Mill Street 1730-1817
Commemorative plate: Shearith Israel Mill Street 1818-1833
Commemorative plate: Touro Synagogue
Commemorative plate: The fourth home of Congregation Shearith Israel at 3 West 19th Street (1860-1896)
Commemorative plate: Shearith Israel Central Park West
Commemorative plate: Seal of Congregation Shearith Israel
Plate (Temple Israel, Columbus, OH) 125 Anniversary, 1971
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