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T'naim. (conditions of marriage) Heshvan 23, 5694
Marriage contract (ketubah) (ketubbah)
Marriage contract of Matzliach Pesaro and Rosa Guglielmi (ketubah) (ketubah)
Marriage contract of Eliyah Shabtai Nissim Halevi and Laura Forli (ketubah) (ketubah)
Marriage contract of Menachem Curiel and Isabella Polacco (ketubah) (ketubah)
Marriage contract of Yisroel ben Hakazin Yishayahu Asher HaLevi. ( Israel Halevi ) and Stella bat Hakazin Yehoshua Zion Halevi ( Stella Halevi ) (ketubah) (ketubah)
Beate Brann's nursing identification card
Beate Brann's nursing certificate
Marriage contrac (ketubah)t form
Marriage contract (ketubah) form
Marriage contract of Hayim Salih andTsivya Al-Yamani (ketubah) (ketubah)
Marriage contract of Avraham Coriat and Jamila Halevi (ketubah) (ketubah)
Marriage contract of Shlomo Coriat and Gamila daughter of Yitzhak ha-Levi (ketubah) (ketubah)
Marriage contract of Shimon David Ochana and Mazal Tov Ben Jo (ketubah) (ketubah)
Marriage contract of Moses Heilbrunn and Johanna Levor (ketubah) (ketubah)
Marriage contract (ketubah) (ketubah)
Announcement of memorial for Henry Morgenthau (1856-1946)
Page from ledger
Marriage contract of Yehiel Katz son of Naphtali Katz and Leah daughter of Hagavir Yaakov (ketubah) (ketubah)
Marriage contract of Abraham Joshua Heschel, son of Issachar David and Chaya Rachel, daughter of Schmuel (ketubah) (ketubah)
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