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Sheet of 90 stamps V for Zion
Booklet of charity stamps for Yeshivah Talmud Torah and Public Kitchen of Meah Shearim.
Sheet of cinderella stamps promoting the first national Sew and Save week
Six charity stamps depicting famous rabbis issued by the United Charity Institutions of Jerusalem
Book of charity stamps for the Kollel America Tiphereth Jerusalem aid for poor American Jews Living in Palestin
War Album of Victory Battles
Booklet of cinderella stamps for Army heroes
Booklet of cinderella stamps for Air Force heroes
Booklet of stamps honoring the U.S. Navy
Charity stamps for the General Israel Orphans Home for Girls in Jerusalem
Charity stamp to benefit Orphans from the Charity Chaye Olam in Jerusalem
charity stamp issued by the Great t Charity Chaye Olam in Jerusalem to benefit orphans and matzah fund
Council Against Intolerance fundraising letter and charity stamps
Booklet of charity stamps for Histadruth Ivrith
Charity stamp - fundraiser for the Great Charity Clothing Fund Chaye Olam of Jerusalem
Cinderella stamp: V FOR VICTORY
Sheet of charity stamps for the Zionist Organization of America
Sheet of charity stamps to benefit the Zionist Organization of America
Abraham Lincoln cinderella stamps issued by the Council Against Intolerance
Book of charity stamps for The Universal Yeshivah of Jerusalem
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