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George Washington Bicentennial Medal, 1932
George Washington Gilt Bronze Bi-centennial Commemorative Medallion 1932--Bronze Medal
Adolph Ochs
Adolph Ochs, 1858-1935
Bnai Jeshuran, 1925
B'nai Jeshuran 100th Anniversary, 1825-1925--Bronze medal
American Israel Numismatic Association (A.I.N.A.) 10th Anniversary, 09/15/1969-09/15/1979
Second Zionist Congress, France, 1898
France, Second Zionist Congress, 1898
Collector of Rolled Coins, Charles F. Lipsky
Collector of Rolled Coins, Charles H. Lipsky
George Washington Exonumia
George Washington Exonumia
Commemorative Medal: State of Israel
Medal: Anne Frank.
Medal: Touro Synagogue
11 coins
Medal: 50th anniversary of Alpha Epsilon Pi - New York University Fraternity
Medal commemorating the 250th Anniversary of Jewish Settlement in America presented to Henry Morgenthau
Medal: profile of Henry Morgenthau
Purim beer token
Talmudical Academy '49 Medal
Facsimile of the seal of Todros Bar Qalonymos
Facsimile of the seal of S. Toros Momet
Five kronnen note from Terezin
ten marks note from terezin
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