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Teacher’s Manual on Hebrew Reading Charts for Beginners
David the Giant Killer and Other Tales of Grandma Lopez
Tales and Legends of Israel
Songs of My People
Promised Land
Tanakh bi-temunot / La Biblia Ilustrada
Pictorial Oddities From Hebraic Literature
Our Homeland
Prelude to a New Art for an Old Religion
Mayn yidish bukh
Pirke agadah: likutim, me’ubadim u-sedurim part 1
Pirke agadah: likutim, me’ubadim u-sedurim part 2
Va-yehi ha-yom : divre agadah; me-agadot ha-melekh David
Wise men of Chelm Ḥakhme Ḥelem : bediḥot ṿa-halatsot ʻamamiyot
Baruk ata : be-fi haṭ-ṭaf : yalquṭ birkot han-nehenim
He-hay (Fauna: Basic morphology, anatomy…)
Sefer ha-temunot ha-rishon shel ha-yeled (Child's first picture book)
Kakh yashir olam tsa’ir
Moreh sefat kodesh
Mon premier Livre d’Hebreu 6th edition
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