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Sefer Daber Ivrit he-ḥadash (3 copies)
Kiddush or Sabbath Sentiment in the Home, second revised edition (1898)
Palestine Picture Dictionary
The Art of Hebrew Lettering
The jingle-book for Jewish children
Tevah ketanah ba-suf
My Hebrew Reader
ליירנבוך פאר דער אנפאנגישול
Within Thy Hand: My Poem Book of Prayers
Mayn leyenbukh
sefer limud la-tinoḳot shel bet raban
Sifri : sefer miḳra (aḥar ha-alef bet) le-reshit limud ha-śafah
Śefat ʻamenu : sefer le-horaat ha-lashon ha-ʻIvrit, diḳduḳah ṿe-sifrutah le-vate-sefer ule-mitlamdim
Blessings and Hymns for Various Occasions
Blessings and Hymns for Various Occasions
Dances of the Jewish People Book I: Israeli and East European Dances
Megillat Esther
The Masssad English-Hebrew Dictionary
Dinner Journal Sisterhood of Temple Beth El of Lowell, Massachusetts April 23, 1968
First Spring Luncheon Program and Recipe Book Lowell Sisterhood of Temple Beth El 1960
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