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Sefer ha-talmid part 1 Lishkat ha-Ḥinukh ha-ʻIvri Di-Nu-York
Sifri : sefer miḳra (aḥar ha-alef bet) le-reshit limud ha-śafah
Shaharit halek rishon
Hebrew Primer Part I, Teacher’s Book
Binele : a mayśe fun a yingele : ṿos hoṭ zikh gelozt zukhn dos land fun eybiḳn yontev
Der nayer onfanger : lernbukh tsu lernen ḳinder leyenen, shraybn un redn Yidish
Ale mames zaynen sheyn (All mothers are beautiful)
Shaar ha-tefilah : likutim le-ḥanekh et ha-yeladim bi-ḳeriyah mehirah : be-seder ha-tefilot
Farloshen Licht (Extinguished candles)
Ostjudische Legenden Mit 52 Bildern
Fun on Sukos
Shovuos Time
Passover Party
Happy Chanuko
Shalom! A Holiday Book for Little Children
Sefat yeladim : sefer limud li-ḳeriah ṿeli-khetivah part 2
Gani : alef-bet metsuyar le-limud ha-kiriyah, ha-ketivah, ve-reshit yediat ha-lashon
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