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Commemorative stamps: Die Juediscvhe Gemeinde zu Berlin
10 Stamps
Stamp: Carrying the Torah by Maurycy Gottlieb
Stamp: Queen Esther of 1929
Stamps. c) Purimshpilers, Jakel Adler
Stamp: Lighting the Hanukkah candles based on a painting by Moritz D. Oppenheim
First day cover Touro Synagogue
First Day Cover Barbados Synagogue restoration stamps
Four stamps Talmud Torah for everyone
Stamp album
Jerusalem siege stamp: figures at the Western Wall
Jerusalem siege stamp depicting rthe ising sun over Jerusalem
Sheet with four stamps
Jerusalem siege stamp
First Day Cover Theodor Herzl
Souvenir of the 33rd Zionist Congress including stamp and first day cover
Cover from 1939 New York World's Fair
Luboml postage stamps
Book of charity stamps for Matzoh Fund
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